clean growth

UK on path to ‘zero carbon’ economy

The Telegraph.png

Our Head of Research, Sam Hall, was quoted in an article in the Telegraph on British voters' attitudes towards a net zero carbon emissions target. He said "demonstrating international leadership on climate change" would be a politically expedient move for the Conservative Party in its desire to attract younger voters, without compromising votes from existing supporters. 

Read the full article here.

Cost of Energy: What might the Helm review mean for UK clean growth?


Bright Blue's senior research fellow Sam Hall has been quoted in Business Green, giving his verdict on the recently published Cost of Energy Review from Dieter Helm.  

Here's an excerpt:

"An economy-wide carbon price would effectively internalise the social and environmental costs of carbon emissions, but is a volatile and uncertain price signal for investors, subject to short-term political and economic forces, that would struggle on its own to drive the required investment," said Hall.

Read the full article here.