In an article in Politics Home, Bright Blue’s latest report, Going greener? Public attitudes to net zero, was featured with the article providing a key summary of our findings. Bright Blue Senior Research Fellow and author of the report, Anvar Sarygulov, was quoted:
“The changes that need to be made by individuals, businesses and government to help achieve net-zero are demanding and disruptive. The public recognises that the government, businesses and individuals themselves have a lot to contribute to help Britain achieve its climate change goals, and are receptive to a variety of policies and behavioural changes to help make it happen. However, if it means increased prices on home electricity and heating, the public are opposed to action.
“Ambitious, sometimes radical, action w ill be needed across economic sectors. The public will need to accept, and adapt to, significant changes in the goods and services they consume. Many are still unaware of and unprepared for the changes required, especially in the way they heat their homes, to ensure we can reach net zero by 2050. Government and businesses must do more to inform and prepare the public for the changes that need to happen, or they risk the public turning against necessary decarbonisation.”